Can she save the Happy Endings Bookstore and have the completely happy ending she deserves?
Olivia is again in her hometown to reopen the bookstore her grandmother left her. She has an entire plan mapped out for the Happy Endings Bookstore. Just one drawback – she finds out the financial institution is able to foreclose on the bookstore’s mortgage.
Gabriel, the financial institution supervisor, is as drop useless beautiful as he’s grouchy. Olivia hates the man, however her cat Chili appears to like him. Now Olivia has three months to save lots of the bookstore and rub it in Gabriel’s face.

Olivia tries every little thing to save lots of the bookstore, however with a quest to seek out out the identification of an nameless romance author, her mom wanting to seek out her a husband, and her grandmother’s grouchy neighbor making her life hell, Olivia has rather a lot on her plate.
The rigidity between Olivia and Gabriel escalates because the deadline to save lots of the bookstore approaches, however as the 2 slowly start to let their guard down, they could study that generally stepping outdoors one’s consolation zone can result in the best reward.
Single with Cat is a feel-good romantic comedy good for readers who love cats, books, and completely happy endings.
You can discover extra data about my e book on my writer web site: or Amazon:
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