Hi everybody,
Following from our preliminary publish on the brand new Nature Line by 4cats we simply needed to remind everybody that the giveaway will shut on the 2nd of October at 23.00 UK time. So forged your entries and votes as quickly as potential!
The new Nature Line, a wonderful extra nature line of cat toys which is being produced utilizing solely pure materials. The exterior of the toy is made from nettle material, the filling makes use of cotton with catnip or valerian and so they all have further feathers connected to be extra enjoyable for cats!
To commemorate the launch of the brand new Nature Line we’re making a gift of 10 bins of blended toys from this vary. Yes, you’ve learn this proper 10 fortunate folks (cats) will obtain these completely freed from cost.
So how will you win this fabulous field? Well merely enter through our giveaway instrument under! If you’re studying this publish on Apple News or one other publish reader it’s possible you’ll must click on by to the total article here.
.rafflepress-giveaway-iframe-wrapper iframe { width: 1px; min-width: 100%; *width: 100%; top: 1000px; } .rafflepress_iframe_loading { background-image: url(‘information:picture/gif;base64,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’) !vital; background-repeat: no-repeat !vital; background-position: middle 100px !vital; top: 100%;
Good luck everybody! And in the event you don’t wish to wait to search out out in the event you’ve gained we’re providing a 20% low cost on the total 4cats range with the code natureline on our store!
And don’t overlook the 4cats Nature Line pyramid is among the finalists within the Your Cat awards!
We usually write about all issues referring to cats on our Blog Katzenworld!
My accomplice and I are owned by 5 cheeky cats that rise up to all types of mischief that in fact, you’ll additionally have the ability to discover out extra about on our Blog
If you have an interest in becoming a member of us by changing into an everyday contributor/visitor writer do drop us a message @ info@katzenworld.co.uk .