Alley Cat Rescue 2021 Global Feral Fix Challenge Leads to Spay/Neuter of Over 45,000 Community Cats

Mt. Rainier, MD (February 2, 2022) – Alley Cat Rescue’s eleventh annual Feral Fix Challenge wrapped up on December 31, 2021. The Challenge is a world occasion that invitations veterinarians to get entangled with trap-neuter-return (TNR) by offering low-cost or free spay/neuter and rabies vaccination for free-roaming cats. The purpose of the Challenge is to avoid wasting feral cats from shelter euthanasia, hunger, and illness by humane inhabitants administration.

The 2021 Challenge noticed participation from veterinarians and clinics throughout 24 U.S. states in addition to Greece, South Africa, the U.Ok., and the United Arab Emirates, who collectively sterilized over 45,000 neighborhood cats. In previous years, vets from a complete of 45 U.S. states, Antigua, Canada, Croatia, Israel, India, Japan, and Nicaragua have additionally taken half within the Challenge. The grand complete of cats spayed or neutered on account of the yearly Challenge is over 175,000.

Alley Cat Rescue founder and president, Louise Holton, explains the importance of this marketing campaign: “The participation of veterinarians across the globe is essential to attaining our final purpose, which is the sterilization of all neighborhood cats. This course of is the one solution to scale back the inhabitants of out of doors cats; killing them, bedsides being inhumane, merely doesn’t work as research present new cats will enter vacated areas and breed till the variety of cats there’s again to the identical stage as earlier than and even larger.”
The 2022 spherical of the Feral Fix Challenge is already underway. Veterinarians in every single place are inspired to affix by pledging to supply free or low-cost spay/neuter providers to as many free-roaming cats as is possible for his or her particular person practices by way of the hyperlink

Non-veterinary people can get entangled by Emailing to request an invite be despatched to their vet, or for a pattern invitation if they like to ask their vet personally.
Alley Cat Rescue is a nationwide nonprofit group devoted to the welfare of all cats: home, stray, deserted, and feral. ACR advocates for humane nonlethal management of feral cats. For extra data, go to their web site
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